Sexual aesthetic procedures are commonly carried out. Labioplasty is one of the most common procedures. In the genital region, the labia minora covers the clitoris on the front, and gradually gets smaller and frizzled towards the back, between the labia majora.
If the labia minora is saggy and too long that protrudes outwards over the labia, it may impair the aesthetic appearance. Such a case may appear due to postpartum period, or weight gain and loss. If the labia minora (labium minus) or labia majora (labia majora) are too long, they are reduced and corrected. This procedure is referred to as Labioplasty.
The surgical operation is done under local anesthesia for the required reduction of the labium, and it takes 1 hour on the average. Self-dissolving sutures are absorbed by the body. Healing process is fast in this region and is completed within 1 week.
A mild pain and swelling are experienced during the healing process. In this process, the patient should take care of the cleanliness of the area and fulfill the cleaning conditions recommended by the physician. She can take a shower 2 days after surgery, and can have a sexual intercourse 3 to 4 weeks later.