As the name definated, it is a kind of treatment to increase the collagen which is one of the basic structure of our skin. Collagen is the main protein fiber responsible for the elasticity of our skin. 80% of the collagen form in human skin is collagen type| as dominative effect and 20% is collagen type III. The benefit of collagen to the body is elastic, firm and smooth skin . Unfortunately, people over the age of 25 lose up to 1.5% of this valuable item each year, and so the first wrinkles start to be visible.In other words, with the aging process,collogen decreases both number and quality.
The new generation of collagen vaccine stimulates fibroblast produce the collagen, which is the basic structure of cosmetic medicine and anti-aging treatments. This vaccine is safe and does not cause any side effects, beside also gives excellent results.
The collagen vaccine is disposable and the injection is under the skin.
The collagen vaccine is a bioactive injectable formulation used by specialist doctors, the effect is restructuring the skin, restoring elasticity and rebuilding the shine skin.It can be described as a unique supplement fighter signs of aging.
It can be used as a precautionary measure after the age of 25 to stop the current aging process. It restores the face, neck, hands and other skin areas of the body, the important thing is the natural beauty of the skin would be visible again.
Breastfeeding, pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, tendency to keloid formation, active surgical area infection, cancer, same seans laser treatments, deep chemical peeling are not recommended.
The collagen vaccine is administered intradermally in 1-3 cm intervals on a clean skin with thin and short mesotherapy needle in a liquid form by the doctor. The total treatment consists of 2-4 apointment depending on the recommendation of the doctor and the condition of the skin. Initial results can be seen after 7-14 days. 3-4 appointments are preferred at 2-week intervals to obtain the full effect of treatment. After this process, there are apparent differences in skin density and elasticity. The result is younger-fresh looking that you can enjoy up to 12-18 months.
The first effects occur after 7 days with the luster of the skin color and the relief of irritation and continue to develop during the treatment. The full effect of treatment (skin tension, skin density, loose skin thickening, and thin lines filling) is achieved within 4 weeks of completion of the therapy. The effect lasts approximately 12-18 months, followed by a collagen vaccination every 6 months is the recommended treatment protocol. After the procedure the daily life can be returned. Redness, burning, swelling, itching and tenderness may occur at the injection areas . None of these symptoms require medical intervention, they disappear spontaneously after a few minutes or 3-5 days after the procedure.