Natural appearance is the most important objective in rhinoplasty. Therefore, a personalized computer design should definitely be made. After a good rhinoplasty, the nose should look nice and people should not notice that a surgery has been done.
The nose is the most important element determining the facial aesthetic. Nose jobcon i.e. nose modelling that constitute the most specific surgery group in the field of plastic surgery is medically referred to as “rhinoplasty”.
Rhinoplasty is applied to reshape the nose. The nasal tip can be lifted and lowered, sharpened or thickened, the nose can be corrected if it leans to the left or right, the nasal ridge can be enhanced if it is collapsed and its excess parts can be removed if there is a nasal hump, the nostrils can be reduced if they are big, and asymmetries can be corrected.
Besides problems about the shape of the nose, if there is inner cartilage and bone deviations referred to as ‘nasal septum deviation’ as well as the associated difficulty in breathing, breathing can be made more comfortable by means of a rhinoplasty done in conjunction with a nasal septum deviation surgery. An ideal rhinoplasty reshapes the nose in such a way as to make it harmonious with the face and also provides the ability to breathe more comfortably.
Rhinoplasty can be performed once the development period ends, and when the nose takes its final shape. This corresponds to the age of 17-18 on the average. From these ages, rhinoplasty can be performed in people who have deformity in their noses. Besides completing his/her physical development, a rhinoplasty candidate should also complete his/her personality development. People whose personality has yet to be formed completed or those who have personality problems are not eligible for rhinoplasty. A rhinoplasty candidate should have the capacity to correctly perceive the facts and should not have unrealistic expectations. Rhinoplasty may lead to frustration in dreamers who, for example, want their noses to look like the nose of their favorite celebrity. It is because everyone’s face and nose are different, and every nose model is not harmonious with every face.
The most important part of the rhinoplasty planning process is the designing the nose model based on a detailed examination. Examination of the nose involves both the external appearance of the nose and the nasal airways in it. With an external examination, the inner structure of the nose, the bone and cartilage shapes, the symmetry, and the position of the nasal tip are reviewed. In the internal examination, the deviation of the inner bones and cartilages, which we call nasal septum deviation, causing nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing are reviewed, and an evaluation is made to ascertain whether there is any growth in these, how is the condition of the concha, and whether there is a concha hypertrophy.
A personalized computer design should definitely be made before rhinoplasty, in order to determine the nose model that will be suitable for your face. The design of the nose shape suitable for your face is based on the general appearance of your face. It is required to form a nose model harmonious with the forehead, cheeks, lips, chin as well as the golden ratio of the face. Ideal nose is a natural-looking nose, which is in harmony with the facial features. Natural appearance is the most important objective in rhinoplasty. I make personalized designs, believing that the natural appearance should always be prioritized in rhinoplasty designs. After a good rhinoplasty, the nose should look nice and people should not notice that a surgery has been done. When designing an ideal nose for women, elegance comes into prominence, but when making a design for men, the model should be ensured to accord with the masculine character.
The cartilages between the two nostrils, which gradually turn into bone further back, are referred to as the “septum”. The condition in which the septum leans to the left or the right is referred to as nasal septum deviation. The majority of the people have a nasal septum deviation. And the vast majority of people who have nasal septum deviation are unaware of this. Nasal septum deviation shows itself in case it causes a nasal congestion or looks deviated when viewed from the front. In case of a deviation, one of the nostrils becomes narrow while the other gets larger. This inequality reflects on the amount of air passing through the nostrils. A greater amount of air passes through the larger nostril, compared to the narrow one. The body begins to enlarge the concha at the larger side, in order to equilibrate the air passages. In the course of time, a congestion problem occurs in the both nostrils. All such problems likely to be encountered during the internal examination of the nose should be identified and reflected on the surgical plan. Please note that, a good rhinoplasty should also enable the person to breathe more comfortably.
Rhinoplasty surgery is an operation that should be done under general anesthesia. All of surgeries requiring general anesthesia can be done in the operating room of hospitals equipped appropriately. Operation time ranges from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the problem. During rhinoplasty, the bones and cartilages are reshaped in such a ways as to be harmonious with the model determined in the design. Accordingly, if there are excess bone and cartilage, they are removed, and if there are deficiencies and hollowness, they are filled with bones and cartilages. In rhinoplasty surgery, each surgeon uses a technique specific to him/her that he/she has gotten accustomed to. When reshaping bone structures, I carry out rasping or breaking process depending on the situation. At the end of the surgery, I also place perforated silicone packs into the nostrils. I do not use fabric packs. In this way, you can breathe through your nose more comfortably after the surgery. At the end of surgery, I externally place a plaster mold in order to maintain the new shape of your nose. This mold stays on your nose for a period of 1 week.
Postoperative period of rhinoplasty will be experienced quite comfortably, and you will feel no discomfort associated with your surgery. There may be a mild pain that many people can easily bear, but it can easily be alleviated with painkillers. If you feel good, you can go back home in the evening of the same day, or you can spend the night in the hospital if you want to take a rest. You can live the healing period without needing bed rest. Bed rest will not be needed. You can go out of the house and stroll during this period. No considerable swelling and bruising will occur in the nose and around the eyes. The resultant swelling may slightly increase within the first 1 to 2 days, and then rapidly decrease and disappear within 1 week. If there is bruising, it will disappear completely within 1 week. The swelling and bruising will be completely disappeared until you come for the follow-up control 1 week later, when the plastic mold will be removed and then you will be able return to your normal life as if you have not had a surgery. The time required for obtaining the final shape is at least 6 months; therefore, you will see the final shape at least 6 months later. Meanwhile, you need to protect your nose from mechanical impacts and sunlight for a period of two months. You also need to use contact lenses instead of glasses.